OCP3 Referral Form
The OCP3 Referral Form is the first step to getting a youth enrolled in the program. This form is to be completed by BCPS, ChildNet, and Community Mental Health Providers. Family members of youth involved in ChildNet or BCPS, and youth who are involved in those two systems can also complete the referral form.
What is a Hot Hands-Off?
OCP3 Enrollment Notice
The OCP3 Enrollment Notice is completed by the assigned TIP or Wraparound provider, reports OCP3 enrollment, and confirms whether or not the Hot Handoff took place.
For Providers
OCP3 Services Information Form
The OCP3 Services Information Form requires youth participants to attest that they were adequately informed about services provided under OCP3. It also gives voice to youth by allowing them to tell us which services they are most interested in receiving. Access form here.
OCP3 Consent to Contact for Evaluation Form
The OCP3 Consent to Contact for Evaluation Form provides consent for the youth to be contacted by an OCP3 Peer Evaluator to learn more about OCP3 Evaluation participation. This form must be completed by the youth and caregiver and does not enroll the youth in the evaluation component. Access form here.
OCP3 Quarterly Progress Report
The OCP3 Quarterly Progress Report provides a synapse of services received, progress, and difficulties faced during the previous 90 days of OCP3 participation. This form must be completed by the TIP or Wraparound Provider. Access form here.
OCP3 Discharge Summary
The OCP3 Discharge Summary confirms termination of services and provides an overview of the reason for termination and services administered. Access form here.
SOGIE Questionnaire
The Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression (SOGIE) Questionnaire provides self-reported information about how youth see themselves. It is to be completed by TIP and Wraparound staff after a youth has accepted to receive OCP3 services. Access form here.